We specialize in general and international taxes, services for SMEs, and transfer prices.

  • Tax and social security consultancy
  • Tax planning. Analysis of the tax impact on new national and international businesses and investments
  • Company reorganisations. Mergers and acquisitions
  • Corporate tax compliance
  • Tax and social security due diligence
  • Advice and personalised attention to tax and social security inspections, at national, provincial and municipal level
  • Advice and defence in the event of tax and social security inspection adjustments.
  • Formulation of Binding Consultations
  • Advice to business chambers on relevant tax issues, and guidance in the formulation of strategic regulatory projects for each sector
  • Tax credit balances: strategies to avoid their increase and achieve their recovery
  • Settlement of annual taxes for individuals
  • Tax planning for estates and family businesses
  • Assistance in the development and incorporation of innovative companies, start-ups and their tax impact (Fintech, virtual wallets and cryptocurrencies, robotics, artificial intelligence, human capital and health)

  • General advice on international taxation issues
  • International tax planning
  • Advising on the adoption of appropriate legal forms to optimise tax, exchange and customs impact
  • Application of reciprocal investment protection treaties, double taxation avoidance agreements, and bilateral and multilateral tax information exchange agreements
  • Tax consulting and compliance for expatriates
  • Strategic consultancy on international taxation of the Digital Economy

  • Assistance in the documentation and preparation of transfer pricing affidavits
  • Preparation of country-by-country reports and master reports
  • Preliminary analysis of new transactions between related companies and business restructurings
  • Advising on the development of transfer pricing policies
  • Management and coordination of transfer pricing projects on a regional and global level
  • Valuation of intangibles in accordance with Transfer Pricing rules, for the purpose of their migration within the economic set-up
  • Assistance and defence both in administrative and judicial proceedings for adjustments made by the AFIP

We can provide the control and risk management of your company and business, be it SMEs or large ones.

External auditing

  • Audit of financial statements under local standards
  • Audit of financial statements under international standards
  • Audit of financial statements of entities supervised by the CNV

Other audits

  • Operational and process audits
  • Compliance audit
  • Due diligence

Accounting consulting

  • Advice on interpretation and application of standards
  • Outsourcing in preparation of financial statements or preparation of publication documents
  • Intermediation of corporate audits
  • Projected financial statements and prospective information. Budgetary control models
  • In-company training
  • Issuance of assurance reports, certifications and other special reports

  • Audit of financial statements
  • Internal process auditing
  • IT and IT security audits
  • Audit of risk, economic capital, stress testing and modelling
  • Expected loss reprocessing (IFRS 9)
  • Tax and foreign exchange advice
  • Legal advice
  • Money laundering and terrorist financing control and prevention advice
  • Assisting the Audit/Internal Audit Committee functions
  • Preparation of procedures manuals
  • Training

  • External auditing of accounting statements of SME companies
  • Accounting and tax outsourcing for SMEs or start-up companies
  • Comprehensive accounting advice & reporting
  • Accounting information required in corporate procedures

We can guide you to take your company to the next level, be part of the 4.0 economy, add agility and optimize your processes.

  • Strategic advice to management. Information gathering for decision making and support in its interpretation
  • Management planning and control
  • Advice on the most convenient financing structure for each business, evaluating the different credit alternatives available in the market
  • Company valuation
  • Evaluation of investment projects
  • Preparation of business plans
  • Organizational, economic and financial diagnosis
  • Processes and methods
  • Design and implementation of internal audit processes

  • Valuation of companies
  • Identifying, selecting and contacting potential buyers or companies to be acquired
  • Drafting of confidentiality agreements and letters of intent
  • Accompanying the negotiation process of the conditions of the operation until the closing of the transaction
  • Accounting, tax, interim and corporate due diligence
  • Financial and legal structuring of the operation
  • Drafting of the sale and purchase agreement
  • Drafting of shareholders' agreements

  • Implementation and maintenance of advanced analytics models for banks, insurance companies and other industries
  • Development of scoring models, RAROC and decision engines
  • Implementation of Treasury and Integrated Risk Management systems
  • Valuation of derivatives and other financial instruments
  • Development and implementation of models according to IFRS 9 and IFRS 17
  • Assistance in the development of capital planning and stress testing models
  • Management of large data volumes, calculation engines and visualisation
  • Implementation of anti-money laundering and fraud detection alerts using advanced analytics tools
  • Processing and issuance of reporting regimes (financial industry)
  • On-going advice, technical support and training
  • Technical audits
  • Traditional actuarial services: pricing, technical notes, reserving, reinsurance, portfolio management, savings schemes

  • Special IT and Security Audits / System Certifications
  • Control of technology projects (Project Control Office)
  • Development of compliance models for outsourced
  • Outsourced Information Services
  • Consultancy/Advice on IT Process Management and Cybersecurity
  • Internal and External Audit Management of IT Processes
  • Training on current technology processes and regulations

  • Issuance of the Independent External Auditor's Report required by the Financial Information Unit (UIF)
  • Compliance audits within the framework of Internal Control for different regulated entities, with proposals for improvement
  • Evaluation and design of a plan according to the needs of each client
  • Development and elaboration of policies and procedures manuals
  • Design and implementation of the integral system of PLAyFT
  • Assistance and development of the self-assessment matrix and technical report required by the UIF
  • Delivery of annual training courses, with knowledge evaluation test and participation certificates
  • Development and advice in the design and/or improvement of the client risk matrix and/or monitoring system
  • Development of predictive models to detect unusual or suspicious operations

Our services:

  • Integral Web solution for supplier management and control
  • Diagnosis of suppliers detecting risk levels
  • Documentary control of suppliers
  • Monitoring and alerts on the delivery of documentation
  • Digital supplier file with economic, financial, tax, health and safety and occupational health information, among others, to provide due diligence of suppliers (required in Compliance and PLAyFT)
  • Control and management of requests for third party access to the company's facilities
  • Online monitoring of payment of invoices to suppliers
  • Systematised supplier selection scheme for the purchase of goods and services (tenders)
  • Advice and documentary control for the prevention of accidents related to work activities (Health and Safety)


  • Web solution oriented to the control and monitoring of bidding processes and price contests
  • Parameterization and documentary control in the different stages of the bidding process
  • Monitoring of the stages that a tender goes through

  • Outsourcing of the tasks associated with integrity programmes (risk matrices, third party due diligence reviews, internal investigations, audits).
  • E-learning training
  • Trainings on internal investigations, money laundering, diversity and gender
  • Implementation and management of whistleblowing hotlines
  • Advice on the development, implementation and evaluation of integrity programmes and Management Systems Anti-bribery ISO 37001:2016, for the public and private sector

Attentive to the new demands of companies and their collaborators, we develop services that promote a healthy relationship between both parties.

  • Whistleblowing hotline - Ethics hotline
  • Legal advice on investigations and contingencies
  • Development of compliance programmes and ethical standards
  • Survey and diagnosis of the existing ethical framework
  • Design of training courses on conduct and behaviour, transparency and organizational integrity.
  • Due Diligence
  • Case resolution and investigation of complaints

  • Comprehensive diagnosis (infrastructure, staff and GRC)
  • Security incident management
  • Frameworks auditing (ISO 27001, NIST, COBIT, SOC2, GDPR, central banks)
  • Online brand and phishing monitoring Awareness: Cybersecurity awareness and training
  • SOC: Security Operations Centre
  • End-point protection
  • Crisis and attack drills for technical staff training
  • Computer forensics laboratory
  • Investigation and prosecution of cybercrime

  • Design and development of tailor-made courses, based on the client's needs
  • Development of participant evaluations
  • Issuance of certificates of participation

  • Professional consultancy in the field of Human Talent Management
  • Benefits Programme
  • Competency-based Performance Appraisal Model
  • Young Professionals Programme
  • Headhunting. Key positions: directors, senior and middle management and specialists.
  • Human Talent, Retention and Attraction Programmes
  • Elaboration of Job Descriptions
  • Survey and evaluation of profiles by competencies
  • Outplacement. Exit interviews